How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?


In the UK, our gut health is worse than ever - our microbes are depleted, we're suffering from digestive issues, and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. How did we get here?

Our gut is home to trillions of wonderful bacteria - working alongside us to break down a diverse range of foods and fibres that would otherwise be undigestible. But in a world of constant stress, poor eating habits and diets high in ultra-processed foods (UPFs), out gut microbiome is shrinking in both diversity and quantity. There are a few notable ways in which this is happening.


Ultra Processed Foods 

In the UK, over 50% of our calories are derived from UPFs - which is over 65% in under 18s! UPFs have low nutrient and fibre content, and are often called 'empty calories' - these can range from crisps and chocolate, all the way to frozen french fries and fast food! 

These foods contain no quality fibre and pass quickly through your body - sometimes full of extra gums and emulsifiers which add extra damage to our gut buddies. This, in addition with their addictive qualities, causes us to overeat and damage our insides even more.



Antibiotics are an incredible part of medical science. They have saved countless lives from diseases that are now deemed trivial and improved the lives of many others. 

However they're not without their issues. Antibiotics are the opposite of probiotics - they kill bacteria, and whilst they do their job effectively, they also do collateral damage in destroying your gut microbiome. Being agnostic to which bacteria they attack, antibiotics cause incredible damage to the diversity and quantity of microbes in your gut - which can cause long term gut issues!

Don't take antibiotics? They're still your problem. Livestock in the UK are fed antibiotic-filled grains and foods constantly to prevent them getting sick due to incredibly poor living conditions - these antibiotics can concentrate in their muscles - which are eventually consumed by us, resulting in damage to our health.



Now, we want to clarify that it's not only glyphosate that causes issues - lots of other herbicides, pesticides and antibiotics are used to grow our food, and this is not without huge consequence. But glyphosate in particular holds significant importance and poses a huge problem in the UK's food landscape.

Glyphosate is sprayed on a variety of foods which we consume in the UK - and it destroys almost every weed in its path. Grains sprayed with glyphosate have been genetically modified to be resistant to it - otherwise it would kill them too! 

The most notable uses for glyphosate on UK crops are on wheat and oats - both of which we consume a lot of in the UK and should be healthy for us! This in turn eventually makes it way into our gut, where it causes inflammation and destroys the probiotic bacteria in our gut. It is even patented as a powerful antibiotic!

Glyphosate has been proven to kill off the 'good bugs' which provide the tryptophan pathway - thereby lowering your serotonin - the hormone which is seen to be depleted in those battling depression!

What can we do?

These examples highlight just a few ways in which our gut microbiota are being depleted; however they are absolutely being devastated by them. By consistently consuming BioticLift, you are replenishing the bacteria in your gut, along with giving them prebiotic fibre, making sure they stay healthy while they pass through you!

BioticLift helps rebalance your gut, improve your overall health, and lower inflammation - this goes hand in hand with a healthier lifestyle; reducing your intake of UPFs and eating more fibre, helping to keep your body in check and your mental health the best it's ever been!

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