Feeling Worse After Eating More Fibre?

Feeling Worse After Eating More Fibre?

Have you noticed, particularly after eating more fibre (think; leafy greens, oats, vegetables), that you actually have more issues - primarily bloating? For some people this can go away on its own, as your body adjusts to a change in diet. But others continue to suffer with these symptoms, not knowing why!

Bloating isn't actually caused by your body per se. When indigestible fibre makes its way to your gut, the bacteria that live there actually feed on the fibre, fermenting it and releasing gas in the process. This is the beginning of the problem!

The lack of healthy, good bacteria can elevate the risk of harmful bacteria, which become more dominant, fermenting specific types of fibres (such as FODMAPs) and producing significantly more gas compared to what probiotic bacteria would typically release!

This is exacerbated even further as poor gut health can slow down digestion speed. These undigested fibres will sit in your gut for longer, giving those nasty bacteria even more time to ferment them and release even more gas!

All of this leads to something worse - inflammation. Constant inflammation in your gut is going to cause further damage and your immune system will be on high alert - giving your body internal stress! 

Bloating got you feeling like this? Let's stop that!

Bloating got you feeling like this? Let's stop that!

So What Can We Do?

Our most effective strategy to combat persistent inflammation and alleviate bloating is to restore and enhance our microbiome. By increasing the diversity of the good bacteria in our gut, we decrease the number of bad bacteria by pure competition, preventing them from colonising and causing health problems.

Consistency in consuming probiotic bacteria is important since even colonising varieties like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have a limited lifespan in the gut and require regular replenishment to thrive.

BioticLift contains 19 Billion CFU's of probiotic bacteria per serving, distributed across various strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, giving you the best possible chance to ensuring the colonisation of your gut by good bacteria, and removal of troublesome strains. Not only this, BioticLift also includes Inulin, a prebiotic fibre essential for fostering the growth and flourishing of these beneficial probiotic bacteria.

Taken preferably once in the morning and once at night, BioticLift will ensure a constant stream of positivity for your gut - ensuring you can fight bloating, reduce inflammation and prevent IBS symptoms!

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